Friday, 30 March 2012

Surfing ain't easy, but planning is!

I've been doing a lot of planning for the next parts of the trip and it's crazy how small the world is. Just today I spoke with someone in Fiji about organizing a boat to get to the surf and I booked a room in Sumbawa - which unless you are a surfer you probably had no idea was even a place! I couldn't imagine planning a trip like this before the internet. I spoke to some of my Dad's friends a few weeks ago and they told me about their summer adventure through Europe in the early 80's. They traveled to Europe separately and they were to meet at a hotel in France that they had heard about in a song. If they didn't see each other they were to go their separate ways! 

On a side note I've been using my GoPro to help me surf better. I hate surfing with the GoPro on my board but it's amazing what you can learn about your surfing when watch yourself!

 Grab rail cut back... not pretty. 

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